Our donors and stakeholders are the pillars to making a difference. At SG Cancer, we strive to make an impact, whilst we ensure that as a donor or stakeholder, your privacy remains intact.

We understand that in course of receiving donations or sharing your stories via the net, we will come across information which are purely personal and not for public consumption. You may be required to divulge such information in order for us to receive donations.

You should be assured that any of your personal information that comes to our knowledge will be treated as confidential and shall not be made known to a third party without your express authorization unless otherwise required by law.

Furthermore, be assured that your personal information in our records via the net shall only come to the knowledge of our authorized employees who have the requisite training to handle personal donor or stakeholder information.


Collection and Use of Personal Data

When accessing our Site, the following data is stored in log files: Your IP address, date and time of your access, browser request and general information about your operating system and browser. This usage data forms the basis for statistical, anonymous analysis in order to identify trends to further improve our Site and our offers accordingly and to enhance your experience when visiting our Site.

Most areas of our Site do not require any form of registration or the provision of specific personal data. You may need to provide limited personal data in order to receive certain information and services from us. If you provide personal data about other people – for example, your family or other authorised representatives, we rely on you to tell those people that you are giving their personal data to us and to make them aware of our Privacy Policy to the extent relevant.

The following services require registration:

  • Contact form and emails

You may use a contact form (where provided) in order to ask questions about us or our services. When using the contact form, you will be asked to provide personal data such as your name and email address and a message you want to deliver to us. You may also contact us by writing to us directly via email where we have provided a specific email address. We may use such information to get in touch with you or to reply to your message.

  • Events

You can attend events when they are organised. Where registration is necessary, personal data may be collected through the registration forms for events; the type of collected data depends on the event. We may forward the personal data of registered persons in connection with an event to third parties, such as, among others, sponsors, hosts, or organizers. Depending on the type of event, we may offer an Event App that will be used to facilitate your participation and networking at the event. In this case, your personal data may be used to create your account in the App, hosted by a third party.

  • Donations

This website offers the possibility to donate to support the SG Cancer Foundation activities. Donations are handled by a third party service (“GlobalPay’’) which can be accessed by links from our Site. In such case, you will be asked to provide certain personal data – this data will be used to process your donation and is subject to the terms and conditions of GlobalPay and to their privacy policy. This data will only be used for the indicated use (processing of donation, payment and financial records etc.).

Further services

Disclosure of Personal Data

We may disclose your personal data for the following purposes:

  • If you expressly request us to do so;
  • To our service providers; these service providers include providers of information technology, website hosting and management, data analysis, data back-up, security and storage services;
  • If the disclosure is necessary to comply with a court order or a legal or regulatory requirement.

Our service providers may be located outside the country where a visitor is located. As a result, a visitor’s information may be transferred outside the country where they are located. All our service providers are contractually bound to process personal data only on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions. We also oblige them to comply with technical and organisational measures ensuring the protection and security of personal data.

The third parties will only use personal data for the agreed purpose and not sell it to third parties or market it otherwise.

Security and Confidentiality

To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data collected online, we use data networks protected, inter alia, by industry standard firewall and password protection. In the course of handling your personal data, we take measures reasonably designed to protect such data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Social Plug-ins

Our Site contains links to the external social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn and you may share on social networks the content of our Site.

Your Rights

We will delete the personal data collected about you if all processing purposes have been fulfilled unless statutory retention obligations apply.

You have the right to request access to, or transfer of, the personal data we process about you, to request correction of any incorrect personal data, restriction of access to, and deletion of, personal data, to the extent these rights are granted, where applicable.


This payments policy shall apply to all donations made to SG Cancer Foundation, including for any projects which may be instituted from time to time.

Donations may be made via:

  • Direct transfer to the Foundation’s bank account (bank to bank)
  • By cheque
  • Online payments using a debit/credit card
  • Mobile money

All prospective donors may donate to SG Cancer Foundation for the purpose of supporting the fight against cancer. SG Cancer will institute various projects over time, as it raises funds to support and execute these projects.

To donate, a prospective donor must:

  • Visit the SG Cancer Foundation website to determine if there is interest in supporting any projects being instituted.

The prospective donor has to elect to ‘Get Involved’ by clicking this button, certifying their interest in getting involved.

Where the donor wishes to donate,

  • The donor must certify that he is 18 and above, and has chosen to support the cause of SG Cancer. The prospective donor will be deemed to certify their willingness and intent to donate by checking the statement, without which they cannot proceed to donate.
  • He/she must click the ‘Donate Now’ button.
  • Clicking on the Donate button opens a page where the donor is required to put in some personal data, country of origin of payment, and the intended amount to be donated.
  • Clicking the ‘Donate’ button then opens up a payment gateway.
  • The prospective donor will then have to put in the selected payment card details, the amount and complete the payment process with the authentication codes indicated at the back of the card.
  • Some payment gateways use a second layer of encryption, to further authenticate the payment by sending a One Time Password (OTP) which the donor has to enter to complete the payment process.

After successful completion of the payment process, the Donor will receive notification that the payment was successful.


1. Objective

The objective of SG Cancer Foundation (SG) is to raise funds by active and effective means, while balancing the benefits against the potential reputational risks. In each situation, we will ask ‘are there any reasons why we should not accept a donation/(s) from a particular source’? This policy applies to donations of cash received by SG. Gifts of other items may also be subject to this policy.

2. Control

Control and co-ordination of all activities in connection with fundraising will be centralised in the executive staff, on delegation from the Board of Trustees, who retain overall responsibility for all decisions regarding the acceptance and refusal of donations. Legal or other advice may be sought in relation to acceptance of gifts where, for example, a donation is proposed which may provide a benefit to a donor or a person or business connected to the donor.

3. Categories of Donations

For donations below USD10,000 and donations received online, minimal screening will be undertaken. SG will collect basic information on the name of the donor, address, amount donated, and card details (where a card is used). Unless there is a known reason for non-acceptance, donations below USD10,000 will be accepted.

4. Research

Recognising that the tendency will be towards acceptance rather than rejection, in particular after the investment of time and resources, the responsibility may be delegated by the Board to an individual or party to research into potential funders. Their responsibility will be to ensure that investigations are appropriate, as robust as circumstances and resources will permit. Results, expressing any findings and conclusions, will be presented to the Board and will be considered objectively.

Initial Screening

For contributions over USD10,000, all potential donors will be subject to an initial screening which incorporates a search of publicly available material designed to highlight potential areas of concern. This will normally employ a search on Google and other social media, a registry check (if applicable) (with reasonable available international registries) and checks in a PEP and sanctions database (Worldcheck or similar). The results will be reviewed by an executive director or their delegate who may request more detailed research, if applicable. The advice and opinions of individuals who have knowledge of specific donors and/or context in which they operate will generally be sought.

Corporate Sponsors, Partners, Members

All corporate sponsors, partners, members providing support of USD10,000 or more will be subject to initial screening of publicly available information mentioned above. This screening will be focused on the company and its activities, with particular reference to any activity that might be the source of reputational risks, such a major court cases and prominent allegations. Standard checks will be made in relation to the company’s sector, listed company details in country of origin and any other relevant information.

Distinction between Allegation and Fact

Distinction should be made between mere allegation or rumour or speculation on one hand, and confirmed fact or legal finding on the other, treating the former with caution although the former may not be disregarded if it is perceived to carry reputational risk for SG.


All advice, research material received in respect of individual and institutional donors, corporate sponsors and partners as well as any conclusions of views as to the prudence of accepting the potential funding expressed by the responsible executive director or his/her delegate, and all information concerning the companies/countries gathered in the context of this donations policy will be retained on file and notes will be made and retained if discussions have been oral and not in writing.

5. Reference to Ethics Committee

All individual donors and institutional funders over USD100,000 are reviewed annually. Potential donations from individual donors, institutional funds, corporate sponsors and partners above USD100,000 shall be referred to the Ethics Committee by the Executive director if they are likely to become pledges or payments, and they present possible reputational risks.

Potential donations of less than USD100,000 need not be referred to Ethics Committee, unless in the opinion of the Director, there is a possible risk which requires the attention of the Ethics Committee.

The Executive Director will at his/her discretion determine when issues should be referred to the Ethics Committee, bearing in minds costs in time and resources which may have been incurred in an investigation.

6. Role of Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee shall consider potential donations referred to it by the Executive director in accordance with this donations policy. The Committee shall not be responsible for conducting the necessary research and investigation. They will act and rely solely on material placed before it, although it may request additional information/material. The Ethics Committee will meet in person or via electronic messaging as per its terms of reference to consider matters presented. Minutes shall

be kept of its discussions and key points from the minutes will be presented to the Board of Trustees at subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees, together with any research material, reports and supporting documents.

The Ethics Committee’s function shall be advisory only. The decision to accept of reject a potential donation shall be made by the Board of Trustees.

7. Role of SG Staff and Advisors

All employees and advisors of SG are encouraged to consult to Executive Director at an early stage in any discussions with a potential benefactor. The Director can advise on the use of these guidelines and consultation will reduce the risk of uncoordinated approaches to a single donor, and may allow early warning of anyone approaching a potential benefactor whose donation is not likely to be acceptable.

8. Donations from Charitable Foundations

Donations and grants of any size from charitable foundations registered with the regulatory authorities in the UK, North America and European Foundation Centre (EFC) affiliated organisations will normally not be subject to an ethical review in accordance with procedures laid down in this Donations Policy and can be progressed to the signing of an appropriate agreement with the funder.

9. Restricted Gifts

Subject to the provisions of this policy the executive director:

  • May accept unrestricted gifts, including gifts made with an expression of wishes that the gift be used for a particular purpose within SG’s objects;
  • May accept gifts for particular projects provided those purposes are within SG’s objects and are capable of being carried out;
  • Will not accept gifts that are too difficult or costly to administer or gifts that are for purposes outside the objects of SG.

Where a gift is proposed to be made for restricted purposes, the executive director or their delegates will consider, prior to accepting such a donation, whether the proposed project would be appropriate for SG in the circumstances including:

  • Whether the proposed gift is an effective way of furthering SG’s objectives;
  • The intended impact of the proposed project;
  • The anticipated financial cost of involvement in the proposed project;
  • The impact the proposed project will have on SG’s reputation;
  • Whether the proposed project will be carried out in a manner that is lawful and consistent with relevant guidance, and
  • The means by which useful results of any research will be disseminated.

If the Board of Trustees are satisfied that the project proposed is eligible, they will consider whether in all circumstances accepting a restricted donation is in the best interest of SG.

10. Conclusion

This donations policy is designed to ensure due diligence and an appropriately documented, fast and efficient process which can be undertaken in a manner conducive to fundraising which is effective and ethical.


SG Cancer Foundation operates a standardised cancellation policy for its donors, that is enforced to protect both the donor and SG Cancer.

Online Donations

A donor’s cancellation of an online donation prior to completion of the donation will result in no deductions being made to the donor’s account/credit/debit card.

A cancellation of an online donation within a 48-hour period after the donation, after the said donation has been charged to the card will require that the donor sends a notice to SG Cancer Foundation, providing full details of the payment (including amount donated, details of card used for the donation, payment date, transaction number) and any relevant information that may be required to identify the said donation. In this event, SG Cancer Foundation will refund the full amount received (less any charges applied by the bank) to the donor in respect of the said donation. Refunds will be made directly to the charge medium (credit/debit card) from which the payment was made and will not be re-directed to any other account/card.

Cancellation of donations after 48 hours are not acceptable, and no refunds will be made.

All cancellations of completed payments must be submitted via email to, titled Donation Cancellation and should quote the transaction reference number.  It should also indicate the reason for which the donation is cancelled.

Direct Transfers

A cancellation of a donation within a 48-hour period after the funds have been transferred will require that the donor sends a notice to SG Cancer Foundation, providing full details of the payment (including amount donated, bank and account details, payment date, transaction number) and any relevant information that may be required to identify the said donation. In this event, SG Cancer Foundation will refund the full amount received (less any charges applied by the bank) to the donor in respect of the said donation. Refunds will be made directly to the account from which the payment was made and will not be re-directed to any other account.

All cancellations of completed payments must be submitted via email to, titled Donation Cancellation and should quote the transaction reference number. It should also indicate the reason for which the donation is cancelled.

SG Cancer reserves the right to have sole and absolute discretion in all cancellation amounts and disputes.

Reimbursement of Cancelled Donations

Once a cancellation request has been received within 48 hours of the transaction, it is assumed that the transaction was made in error.  As a result, in cases where the transfer has already been completed, SG Cancer will investigate and verify that said funds were indeed received.  When receipt of funds is confirmed, SG Cancer will work with its bankers to ensure that the said funds are returned to the sender using the most efficient means.  It is anticipated that within 2 weeks, the cancelled donation refund process should be complete and the refund would have been initiated, or would be completed.