SG Cancer aims to provide comprehensive support for persons diagnosed with cancer from counselling, information on resources, linking persons diagnosed with other cancer survivors, and in addition, provide some financial support for persons who are unable to afford the full cost of treatment.

We also expect to increase cancer awareness in Ghana, encourage screening and early testing to improve survival rates, and encourage more people to provide support to persons diagnosed with cancer in a variety of ways, including financial.


SG Cancer provides opportunities for early detection, such as screening and awareness creation. We also work with medical institutions providing care and treatment for cancer patients by raising funds to support the treatment for those who cannot afford it.

We will welcome assistance from any individual or institution, who is so led to support us in the mammoth task. We welcome best practices and support from international organizations and individuals involved in similar enterprises in other parts of the world. LETS MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

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I know several persons who have been diagnosed with cancer and who, without adequate care and resources, would not have survived. Assisting people to access care is critical to prolonging life. This is my commitment – to support others.
After losing some loved ones to cancer, I concluded that cancer is a death sentence. But my perception has since changed after meeting a lot of survivors. In my work with the Foundation, I see a lot of hope for many and pray for a cure for all. I will encourage everyone to get involved in the fight against cancer.
World Cancer Day occurs on 4 February every year. It is an initiative under which the world can unite to raise the profile of cancer in a positive and inspiring way. Cancer affects everyone in different ways, so everyone has the power to take action to reduce the impact of cancer. World Cancer Day is a chance to reflect on what you can do, make a pledge and take action.
In one way or another, we are all affected. A third of us may succumb to the disease, and behind each patient, there are family and friends whose lives turn upside down. We want to give everyone the opportunity of early detection and treatment. Together we can defeat cancer.
"Close the Care Gap" by sharing, doing, encouraging, donating, helping – nothing is too little; together we can make a difference.
The theme for World Cancer Day 2024 is still "Close the Care Gap". The campaign is all about understanding and recognising the inequities in cancer care around the globe. This World Cancer Day, we recognise the power of working together. We know that every single one of us has the ability to make a difference, large or small, and that together we can make real progress in reducing the global impact of cancer. This 4 February, we call on you, whoever and wherever you are, to play your part in creating a cancer-free world.
Want to donate, help at an event or volunteer?